Sport Trauma and Concussion Recovery

An injury to the body is an injury to the mind. What’s in the mind is in the body and what’s in the body is in the mind. Injuries to the body heal, but unless we heal (process out) where we hold them in our mind, the injury will still remain and effect performance by impacting our bodies physiology.

After an injury, including a concussion, the brain instinctively engages in muscle guarding (the tensing of muscles) to protect the body from experiencing re-injury. This tension prohibits the athlete from engaging in full use of the muscle. By processing the injuries and concussions out of the mind and body, with Brainspotting, the stored cortisol and muscle guarding is deactivated and allows healing to take place and performance to be restored, to include the fear of re-injury. After a concussion or injury, the sooner processing takes place, the faster the mind and body are restored to homeostasis. More information on concussions can be found on the Concussion Legacy Foundation website.